Nightmare Terrors for Halloween
Are you all ready to Party, Halloween style? Ok here we go. No more fluffy kitten jumpers that will make your silver bearded grandmother reach for her medically scented hanky. Instead we want her on all fours scrambling for her rosary beads, terrified when she cops an eyeball full of these seasoned treats. When you turn up to your Halloween party, after dispatching the delightful tricksters from your doorstep, we want people shoving their fists into their mouths in a vain attempt to stop blood curdling screams just at the mere sight of your new gruesome garb.
Here are just two chilling requests from a couple of sadistic party goers who clearly have no shame in terrorising all those in their path.
If you have ever had trouble sleeping at night then thank your lucky stars because you will have never had the pleasure of meeting this guy.
Yep, always a popular choice for the Halloween party and one of the few diabolical monsters who could carry off the terrifying look. Good Old Freddy. Well now my latest customer will be rocking the sleazy school caretaker look in his very own tribute to the silver clawed spawn of the devil.
Here’s the feedback when his Krueger jumper arrived: “The jumper arrived yesterday and is great. Just what we were hoping for. I’m sure we will have some pictures at the party. Will forward them after our holiday.” Thanks we’ll ALL look forward to seeing those.

Hand knitted skull jumper
Here’s another unusual one. Remember this guy? Certainly presents a striking image. Just as Granny was settled back in her high seat chair in comes my next customer dressed as Keith Flint from the Prodigy.
The pattern in this tribute jumper is stunning and it was a great pleasure to produce this for Ian who will be breaking down doors at his Halloween gathering in a few weeks.

Prodigy jumper
Here’s his kind words after receiving the jumper: “Hi. The jumper arrived and it is the business. Just what I’d hoped 🙂I’ll send you photo’s come Halloween and if I or anyone wants anything knitted bespoke I’ll let you know. Ian.”
Thanks Ian. That’s just the kind of recommendation that we love to get.
If evil and damnation could take the form of jumpers then they would probably look like these little twisted pearls of devilishness. Like our other seasonal range there is much demand for these and other bespoke jumper so get your orders and ideas in quick if you want to stand a chance of getting kitted out for your next monsters ball.
Hope you like them, they’re a scream.
So dear readers and fellow knitting enthusiasts, if you want to take advantage of the season then let us help you strike terror into the hearts of the meek and mild and unfortunate souls soon to be lost at a mere glimpse of your knitted nightmare.
Spooky Times
Madame Clickety-Click